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Our Story
Our Story

Stars Picker
Reaching The Distant Light for You
Back in 2013, audiophile-grade headphones were still rare in Malaysia.
It was then that two passionate young lads, who had just returned from studying abroad, founded Stars Picker in a quaint old house which they rented in Kepong. Little did they know at the time, this microenterprise would eventually grow into the best headphone experience store in Malaysia seven years later.
At first, the young lads knew nothing about doing business. They treated their customers as friends, listened to music together and helped their friends achieve better sound quality by mixing and matching various types of equipment.
It is also for this very reason that Stars Picker has never been a digital store that merely sells equipment. Instead, it is an open platform that gathers people who are in constant pursuit of sound quality.
This spirit remains ingrained to this very day, where the headphone heaven is now strategically situated at Kota Damansara and has been expanded twice.
We are not a mere digital store.
We are an audio library that brings together wonderful sounds from all over the world.
We have the most comprehensive collection of world-class full-sized headphones in Malaysia, including planar magnetic, electrostatic, and dynamic headphones, as well as headphone amplifiers, digital-to-analogue converters (DACs) and digital transport/streamers.
We have the most varieties of in-ear monitors (IEMs) in Malaysia too. Apart from universal IEMs, we provide one-to-one customisation services to cater to your preferences. Not only are we able to customise our IEM based on your ear shape, we can even design its appearance to your liking. This makes our IEMs a good companion for our musician clients.
At our headphone store, you can discover the most complete range of portable audio equipment in Malaysia. While portable music players such as Walkmans and iPods seem to have become history and disappeared from the mass market, they can still be found at our speciality store.
We are also proud to be the only headphone store in Malaysia that houses a professional Hi-Fi room. Close your eyes in our small yet acoustically designed room and you are in for a surreal mini concert experience even with only a pair of bookshelf speakers.
At Stars Picker, we offer a wide variety of tuning props to satisfy the upgrading needs of audiophiles, ranging from ear tips of different shapes, to copper and silver upgraded cables with unique connectors.
True to the home-style concept, we have created a comfy listening corner for audiophiles.
There is a French window, which allows natural sunlight and moonlight to shine through. Two wooden swings are hung beside the window, swaying gently under the shadow of greenery, and vintage Edison bulbs shimmer softly on the wooden furniture and cosy sofas.
Put on your headphones and enjoy your aromatic cup of coffee. Then close your eyes, and isolate yourself from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
Our prestigious brands:
Audeze, Audio-GD, Aune, Brise Audio, Beyerdynamic, Bluesound, Cayin, Chord Electronics, Copper Colour, Dali, Elysian Acoustic Lab, Fearless, Fiio, FIR, Hifiman, iFi, Lypertek, Matrix, Moondrop, NAD, NEO, QDC, Sennheiser, Shanling, Shozy, Sivga, Sony, Spinfit, Stax, TFZ, Tin Hifi, Topping, Uranus Cable
就在此時,兩位從海外留學歸來的年輕人,在甲洞一件租來的老屋子裡創立摘星(Stars Picker)——當時的他們沒想到,這家一無所有的微型企業將在七年之後成為國內首屈一指的精品耳機實體體驗店。
這種精神,一直延續到兩度擴充後坐落於Kota Damansara的耳機天堂。
這裡不是一座數碼商城,而是一個一座關於聲音美學的圖書館(audio library),匯聚了來自世界各地各種不同的好聲音。
這裡擁有全馬最齊全的世界級頭戴式耳機(full size headphone):
包括平板(planar magnetic)、靜電(electrostatic)、動圈(dynamic)式單元,以及相關的耳機擴大器(headphone amplifier)、解碼器(DAC, digital to analog converter)和數位轉盤(streamer, digital transport)。
這裡擁有全馬最多樣化的入耳式耳機(IEM, in-ear-monitor):
這裡擁有全馬最齊全的便攜音響(portable audio)器材,各種在Walkman與iPod步入歷史後就消失於大眾電子市場的發燒級音樂播放器,在摘星的試聽空間裡,依然以小眾精品的姿態閃閃發光。
這裡也是全馬唯一一家擁有專業音響試聽室(acoustic room)的耳機店。小小十多平方米,在經過了特殊的聲學處理後,即便只配備了一對小小的五吋書架音箱(bookshelf speaker),竟可讓你在閉上雙眼後,彷彿親臨小型音樂廳。
為了音樂發燒友們的各種升級需求,你還可在摘星找到各種稀奇古怪的調音道具:小至形狀各異的耳塞套(eartips),長至擁有各種奇特端子(connectors)的銅銀升級線材(upgraded cable)……這裡都應有盡有。
Audeze, Audio-GD, Aune, Beyerdynamic, Bluesound, Brise Audio, Cayin, Chord Electronics, DALI, Dan Clark Audio, Elysian Acoustic Lab, Fearless, Fiio, FIR, Hifiman, Lypertek, Moondrop, NAD, NEO, QCY, QDC, Sennheiser, Shanling, Shozy, Sivga, Sony, Spinfit, Stax, TFZ, Tin Hifi, Topping, Uranus Cable